horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第五章 合同的保全
Chapter V
Preservation of Contracts

  第五百三十五条 因债务人怠于行使其债权或者与该债权有关的从权利,影响债权人的到期债权实现的,债权人可以向人民法院请求以自己的名义代位行使债务人对相对人的权利,但是该权利专属于债务人自身的除外。
Article 535

Where a debtor’s right against a counterparty or an accessory right related thereto has not been claimed against the counterparty owing to the debtor’s indolence, and the enforcement of the creditor’s due claim is thus adversely affected, the creditor may request the people’s court to allow him to exercise by subrogation the debtor’s claim against the counterparty of the debtor in his own name, unless such claim belongs exclusively to the debtor himself.
The scope of the right of subrogation is limited to the creditor’s due claim. The necessary expenses for the creditor to exercise the right of subrogation shall be borne by the debtor.

The counterparty’s defenses against the debtor may be asserted against the creditor.

  第五百三十六条 债权人的债权到期前,债务人的债权或者与该债权有关的从权利存在诉讼时效期间即将届满或者未及时申报破产债权等情形,影响债权人的债权实现的,债权人可以代位向债务人的相对人请求其向债务人履行、向破产管理人申报或者作出其他必要的行为。
Article 536
Prior to the due date of the creditor’s claim, where there exists a circumstance under which the limitation period for the debtor’s principal claim against a counterparty or an accessory claim related thereto is to expire, or the debtor fails to timely declare his claim in a bankruptcy proceeding, and hence, the enforcement of the creditor’s claim is adversely affected, the creditor may, by subrogation, request the counterparty of the debtor to perform its obligation to the debtor, declare the debtor’s claim to the bankruptcy administrator, or take other necessary acts.
  第五百三十七条 人民法院认定代位权成立的,由债务人的相对人向债权人履行义务,债权人接受履行后,债权人与债务人、债务人与相对人之间相应的权利义务终止。债务人对相对人的债权或者与该债权有关的从权利被采取保全、执行措施,或者债务人破产的,依照相关法律的规定处理。
Article 537
Where the people’s court determines that the right of subrogation has been established, the counterparty of the debtor shall perform the obligation to the creditor. After the performance is accepted by the creditor, the corresponding rights and obligations between the creditor and the debtor, and those between the debtor and the counterparty, are terminated. Where the debtor’s claim or an accessory claim related thereto against the counterparty is subject to preservation or enforcement measures, or where the debtor becomes bankrupt, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws.


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