horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第二十五章 行纪合同
Chapter XXV
Brokerage Contracts

  第九百五十一条 行纪合同是行纪人以自己的名义为委托人从事贸易活动,委托人支付报酬的合同。
Article 951
A brokerage contract is a contract under which a broker in his own name engages in trade activities for a client who pays remuneration in return.
  第九百五十二条 行纪人处理委托事务支出的费用,由行纪人负担,但是当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 952
The expenses incurred by a broker in handling the entrusted matters shall be borne by the broker, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

  第九百五十三条 行纪人占有委托物的,应当妥善保管委托物。

Article 953
A broker who possesses the commissioned article shall properly keep it.

  第九百五十四条 委托物交付给行纪人时有瑕疵或者容易腐烂、变质的,经委托人同意,行纪人可以处分该物;不能与委托人及时取得联系的,行纪人可以合理处分。

Article 954
If the commissioned article has a defect at the time when it is delivered to a broker, or if it is perishable, the broker may dispose of the article upon the client’s consent; if the broker is unable to make prompt contact with the client, the broker may dispose of the article in a proper manner.


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