horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千一百零三条 继父或者继母经继子女的生父母同意,可以收养继子女,并可以不受本法第一千零九十三条第三项、第一千零九十四条第三项、第一千零九十八条和第一千一百条第一款规定的限制。
Article 1103
A stepparent may, with the consent of the natural parents of the stepchild, adopt the stepchild, and such adoption may be exempted from the restrictions provided in Subparagraph (3) of Article 1093, Subparagraph (3) of Article 1094, Article 1098, and Subparagraph (1) of Article 1100 of this Code.

  第一千一百零四条 收养人收养与送养人送养,应当双方自愿。收养八周岁以上未成年人的,应当征得被收养人的同意。
Article 1104
Both adoption and placing for adoption shall be based on mutual consent. Where a minor adoptee is aged eight or above, his consent shall be obtained.
  第一千一百零五条 收养应当向县级以上人民政府民政部门登记。收养关系自登记之日起成立。
Article 1105
Adoption shall be registered with the civil affairs department of the people’s government at or above the county level. The adoptive relationship is established upon registration.

In the case of adopting a minor whose parents cannot be traced, the civil affairs department for adoption registration shall make public notice prior to the registration.
The parties to an adoptive relationship may enter into an adoption agreement on a voluntary basis.
Upon request of both parties or one of the parties to an adoptive relationship, an adoption shall be notarized.
The civil affairs department of the people’s government at or above the county level shall evaluate the adoption in accordance with law.
  第一千一百零六条 收养关系成立后,公安机关应当按照国家有关规定为被收养人办理户口登记。

Article 1106
Upon establishment of an adoptive relationship, the public security department shall facilitate household registration for the adoptee in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.


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