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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第八章 高度危险责任

Chapter VIII
Liability for Ultra-hazardous Activities

  第一千二百三十六条 从事高度危险作业造成他人损害的,应当承担侵权责任。

Article 1236
A person who engages in ultra-hazardous operations and thus causes damage to another person shall bear tort liability.

  第一千二百三十七条 民用核设施或者运入运出核设施的核材料发生核事故造成他人损害的,民用核设施的营运单位应当承担侵权责任;但是,能够证明损害是因战争、武装冲突、暴乱等情形或者受害人故意造成的,不承担责任。

Article 1237
Where a nuclear accident occurs at a civil nuclear facility or when nuclear materials are transported into or out of a civil nuclear facility and damage is thus caused to another person, the operator of the facility shall bear tort liability, except that the operator does not assume such liability if it can be proven that the damage is caused by a war, an armed conflict, a riot, or under other like circumstances, or the damage is intentionally caused by the victim.

  第一千二百三十八条 民用航空器造成他人损害的,民用航空器的经营者应当承担侵权责任;但是,能够证明损害是因受害人故意造成的,不承担责任。

Article 1238
Where a civil aircraft causes damage to another person, the operator of the aircraft shall bear tort liability, except that the operator does not assume any liability if it can be proven that the damage is intentionally caused by the victim.

  第一千二百三十九条 占有或者使用易燃、易爆、剧毒、高放射性、强腐蚀性、高致病性等高度危险物造成他人损害的,占有人或者使用人应当承担侵权责任;但是,能够证明损害是因受害人故意或者不可抗力造成的,不承担责任。被侵权人对损害的发生有重大过失的,可以减轻占有人或者使用人的责任。

Article 1239
Where the possession or use of flammable, explosive, highly toxic, highly radioactive, strongly corrosive, highly pathogenic, or other ultrahazardous things causes damage to another person, the possessor or user thereof shall bear tort liability, except that such a possessor or user does not assume any liability if it can be proven that the damage was intentionally caused by the victim or caused by force majeure. Where the infringed person is grossly negligent for the occurrence of the damage, the liability of the possessor or user may be mitigated.

  第一千二百四十条 从事高空、高压、地下挖掘活动或者使用高速轨道运输工具造成他人损害的,经营者应当承担侵权责任;但是,能够证明损害是因受害人故意或者不可抗力造成的,不承担责任。被侵权人对损害的发生有重大过失的,可以减轻经营者的责任。

Article 1240
Where damage is caused to another person by a person engaging in work at a height, high voltage, or underground excavation activities, or by using high-speed rail transport vehicles, the operator shall bear tort liability, except that the operator does not assume any liability if it can be proven that the damage was intentionally caused by the victim or caused by force majeure. Where the infringed person is grossly negligent for the occurrence of the damage, the liability of the operator may be mitigated.


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