horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千零二十一条 当事人对肖像许可使用合同中关于肖像使用条款的理解有争议的,应当作出有利于肖像权人的解释。
Article 1021
Where the parties have a dispute on a clause relating to the use of an image in a contract authorizing the use of the image, interpretations shall be made in favor of the person holding the right to likeness over his image.

  第一千零二十二条 当事人对肖像许可使用期限没有约定或者约定不明确的,任何一方当事人可以随时解除肖像许可使用合同,但是应当在合理期限之前通知对方。
Article 1022
Where the parties have not agreed on the term of authorized use of an image, or the relevant agreement is unclear, either party may rescind the contract authorizing the use of the image at any time, provided that the other party shall be notified within a reasonable period of time.

Where the parties have expressly agreed on the term of authorized use of the image, the person holding the right to likeness over the image may rescind the contract authorizing such use if with just cause, provided that the other party shall be notified within a reasonable period of time. Where rescission of the contract causes losses to the other party, unless the losses are caused by a reason not attributable to the person holding the right to likeness over the image, compensation shall be paid.

  第一千零二十三条 对姓名等的许可使用,参照适用肖像许可使用的有关规定。
Article 1023
For an authorized use of another person’s name or the like, the relevant provisions on the authorized use of other’s images shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

For the protection of a natural person’s voice, the relevant provisions on the protection of the right to likeness shall be applied mutatis mutandis.


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